Empowering other believers is the foundation of our ministry here at Morning Glory Apostolic/Prophetic Center with powerful online classes in prophetic teaching. We exist to establish and sustain authentic relationships in ministry. We offer a number of classes listed below and within these classes we promote and encourage pastoral guidance, structure, fellowship, and integrity in ministry. Our goal is to provide support to Pastors, Churches, Ministers, Individuals and Ministries, regardless of different beliefs or religious structure which shows true agape love in Christ.
We are committed to the edification of the Body of Christ for the work of the ministry and extending the Kingdom of God in the earth realm.
Apostle Hubbard's School of the Spirit has become a powerful tool of empowerment for many individuals who has entered into the prophetic ministry. Apostle Hubbard openly talks about his personal spiritual experiences with God during one of these visitations he was given the blueprint for this School of the Spirit. Although openly displayed on the website for visitors to view what the class has to offer the qualifications for acceptance to be taught this course is also done in a spiritual manner. In which if accepted to be taught through the School of the Spirit there is a test that must be passed through these questions it helps Apostle Hubbard determine your true calling as well as anointing that God has placed inside of you.
Each course is a 6 - week course and can be taught to individuals, groups and churches as an equipping class for ministry Apostle Hubbard highly recommends that all courses be taken to bring better understanding of how different anointings operate. But to accommodate everyone individual courses can be selected at the students discretion our School of the Spirit is free to covenant partners, mentees, and churches Apostle Hubbard's oversees. To all other individuals the cost is $65 per course and can be done via live-stream or on location of requested ministry or individuals in which accommodations maybe required.
This School of the Spirit is for any individual who has trouble tapping into their gifts, confused of their callings, or have trouble finding a mentor to help birth out the gift God has endowed them with to help empower the kingdom. Apostle Hubbard also is available for leaders who have identified or acknowledge the gifts in their perspective churches or ministries but do not have the anointing to help develop or understand there members gifts. Don't die with your gifts inside enroll in the School of the Spirit today! Because of the nature of the one on one counseling spaces are limited an require a non-refundable $25 deposit please email for instructions to prophethubbard@gmail.com.
Prophetic Class - Course 1
Class 1 - The Passion of a Prophet - This class deals with the prophet's life from birth to awakening.
A. The life of a Prophet
B. The wounds of a Prophet
C. The call of a Prophet
Class 2 - The Awakening Prophet - This class deals with the training of a prophet.
A. The battle of a Prophet
B. The mind of a Prophet.
C. The place of a Prophet
Class 3 - This class deal with preparing a Prophet to serve in the prophetic office.
A. A Prophet's Job
B. A Prophet's Training
C. A Prophet's Mantle
Advanced Prophetic - Course 2
Spiritual Language - Deals with the language of various ways God communicates with prophets.
A. Dreams, Angels, Spirits
B. Visions, trances, open heaven encounters
C. Prophetic words, phrases, and knowledge
Class 2 Engaging the Heavens - Deals with different ways prophets communicate with angelic forces to bring manifestation on Earth.
A. Angelic forces
B. The 12 keys to Prophetic Authority
C. The Office of the Prophet
Class 3 Operating in Heavenly Authority - Deals with teaching prophets how to operate in prophetic authority in the heavenly realms.
A. The Angelic Doorkeepers
B. Seasons, Times, Rivers, and the Flow of God.
C. Throne Room Encounters
Apostolic Class - Course 3
Class 1 Entering the Heart of God - Deals with the treasures in God's heart.
A. The way Heaven operates
B. The Heart of God
C. The seven spirits before the heart
Class 2 Operating in Heaven and Earth - Preparing an apostle on how to operate in apostolic authority.
A. The 24 keys to kingdom authority
B. The watchmen of heaven
C. Opening and closings rivers, gates, and seasons.
Class 3 Releasing Spiritual Authority - Teaching the apostle on how to engage in their apostolic authority.
A. The Equipping ministry
B. Decree, demands, and delegation
C. The Apostolic Office
The Priestly Anointing - Course 4
Class 1 - The God Head
A. The Spirit of God
B. The Nature of God
C. The Person of God
Class 2 - The God Head (Jesus)
A. The Spirit of God
B. The Nature of God
C. The Person of God
Class 3 - The God Head (Holy Spirit)
A. The Spirit of the Holy Spirit
B. The Nature of the Holy Spirit
C. The Person of the Holy Spirit
Class 4 - The God Head (We)
A. The Spirit of Us
B. The Nature of Us
C. The Person of Us
Class 5 - The Priestly Office (Us)
A. Rules
B. Responsibilities
The Issachar Anointing
Class 1 - Deals with understanding and operating in the Issachar anointing
A. The Language Of God
B. The nature of the Issachar anointing
C. The interpretation of the Issachar anointing
D. Defining the language of Issachar
E. How the Issachar anointing speaks
We are living in a very sensitive dispensation in the body of Christ in which no one really knows who are God's mouthpiece and who have become religious mouthpieces. Speaking prophecy mainly for the emotional manipulation of believers just to receive financial gain. So now we get to the meat of why you are here on this website is this prophetic mentorship class for you? Ask yourselves these questions? Have your leader gave you consistent and individual attention to developing your gift? Has your leader gave you detailed understanding of your calling? Has your leader developed and given you a plan to assist you in perfecting your gift and anointing?
If you answered no to at least one question then yes, this mentorship is for you Apostle Hubbard knows what it takes and the pressure that comes with being a prophetic voice for God. He has mentored and developed many prophetic gifts over the course of his years in ministry in fact, his best-selling book A Prophet's Cry (Understanding Your Life As A Prophet). Has been widely used by emerging prophets as a guideline of understanding the life a prophet will endure if they accept God's call into ministry. Apostle Hubbard unique anointing allows him to pinpoint and target a prophetic voice strongholds as well as strengths in order to prepare them for what they may come up against while operating in the prophetic.
What Is Apostolic Oversight?
It will be easier to see what apostolic oversight is by first stating what it is not. In 1st Thessalonians 2:1 the apostle Paul said; our coming to you was not in vain. The word "vain" expresses the hollowness of anything; Paul was saying their work was not void of content or power. This word could also be translated "empty-handed.” Paul was saying; we didn't come to take something away from you but to bring you something. This is the heart of apostolic oversight. It has nothing to do with what the apostle "receives" from the church; it has everything to do with what apostolic oversight brings to the church.
Apostolic oversight:
Is not a means for personal kingdom building. The issue is not quantity - "How many churches do you have in your network?" The issue is the quality of care for the local church and love for the saints.
Is not about money, it is not "a pretext for greed " (1st Thess. 2:5). Paul denies that he ever used his ministry as a secret means of enriching himself. Apostolic oversight is not multi-level marketing for church planters where all resources work their way to the top.
Is not about human glory; "I'm Apostle so and so". Paul said; we have never sought honor from men, from you or from anybody else (1st Thess. 2:6). Paul here is repudiating personal ambition. Paul never used his preaching to gain the honor, recognition and approval that men give.
Is not micro-managing the church. Paul actually did have authority, but he never abused it. Even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority (1st Thess. 2:6). The only authority that exists in the church is Christ's authority. True apostles are not authoritarian or controlling. Authority is always to be used for the benefit of those under it, never for the personal benefit of those exercising it.
Now that you know what Apostolic Oversight is not we will tell you what it is from the perspective Apostle Hubbard operates through what we have revealed is a very peculiar gifting from God. Operating in all 5 gifts he uses his calling to develop spiritual foundations for any ministry that needs his help. In that he is able to not only train the leaders but individuals of the ministry of how the church should operate, their functions, and what type people they will draw to their local churches. He also develop spiritual plans on how to grow the ministry and impact their communities at large in ways that is sure to show the agape love needed in this hour. If you are unsatisfied with the growth of your ministry, starting a new ministry or unsatisfied with your current apostolic overseer? Then contact Apostle Hubbard and let him give you a detailed overview of what he maybe able to do to increase your ministry elevation in Christ.
Has God instilled in you to start a ministry? Plant a church? If so, please allow Apostle Hubbard to assist you in your ministry building venture whether its a home ministry, in a building or hotel room. As long as the gospel of Christ is the foundation we are able to assist you in your building process. We come alongside potential planters and help them assess their ability and readiness to plant a church. Our goal is to help planters see clearly before they run to the front lines. We equip church planters with the knowledge, tools and pragmatic skills they’ll need to plant a healthy, effective church.
This is done in a highly relational and interactive environment with seasoned church planters and coaches. We coach church planters throughout the entire process of planting a church. Both our experience and research show this is often the single greatest factor in determining a planter's success or failure. Every seasoned church planter knows the hard work doesn’t stop once public worship gatherings are underway. The hardest stuff yet to come. We make sure that when it does, you don’t face it alone.
Apostle Hubbard is dedicated to equipping and empower every believer, ministry and home groups that wishes to go to the next level in Christ. Every class listed can be taught with group sessions either in person or through our online teaching portal we asked for larger groups. That if possible Apostle Hubbard requests no more than 20 individuals be taught at a time because of that nature of the spiritual information being taught each person. Has to be evaluated separately as to make sure he harnesses the individuality of the gift, calling and anointing that maybe laying dormant inside of a person. Please be advise that some of our classes although have a point of end it often depends on how well the individuals receive and absorbed the information. As to when a class may actual end thereby making sure we have giving our all to the learning process of equipping the groups spiritually.
Understanding that the prophetic voices have declared this is the season that God begins to releases generational wealth upon his people. But, with that responsibility comes a great burden for the people also it's then many have to deal with the hidden and often never spoken secrets that many believers have learned to live with within themselves. In order to correctly understand and know the purpose for the release of generational wealth we must destroy the generational curses that may run through our bloodline.
It's with that key understanding that God has given Apostle Hubbard key information to teach to identify, understand and destroy these generational curses that may exist in our bloodlines. The Black Sheep Academy is for people that not only understands that generational curses are real but to learn the manner in which they operate within us unknowingly and it keeps us bound. In all areas of our lives such as poverty, drugs, depression and rejection. If you would like to be a part of this powerful teaching of observation please register below and we will contact you with the information to access Black Sheep Academy.
The Colony, Texas, United States
Copyright © 1996 - 2025 Morning Glory Apostolic/Prophetic Center - All Rights Reserved.
Welcome To Morning Glory Apostolic/Prophetic Center!! We as believers have reached a very critical time in the kingdom of God. As the prophets have been declaring that this is the season God will release generational wealth upon his people.
With this Apostle Hubbard has become one of the voices to release wisdom, insight and understanding to help them understand how God will release this critical resource to the people.